Friday, December 27, 2024

Thanksgiving and Christmas 2024

Ragon, Reed, Keeton and Riley came to Papaw and Grandma's house to make gingerbread/graham cracker houses.  They came Sunday Dec. 22 after they went to church.  Megan and Deacon were at home because Deacon was sick.  I sure missed seeing them.  I also messed up big time and left the pre-constructed cracker houses at my place.  We improvised and did A-frame house or open tents.  LoL!!

We celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas at my house this year.  Papaw, Grandma and Annie are now in a nursing home.  I wasn't sure it would happen but they all came.  Well, not for Christmas because Charlie and Emily both had a bad stomach bug.  Lane was here with me for two nights and Lauren came for Christmas Eve arriving around noon.  She and Oria stayed till about 7:00 p.m.


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